Friday, February 22, 2008

Support Students on Alaska Achievers Incentive Program

With the lead of ASUAF president, Jake Hamberg, University of Alaska student leaders have brought their Alaska Achievers Incentive Program (needs based/merit-based scholarship program) to the Alaska legislature. The following bills have been introduced by Guttenberg, Kawasaki, and Nelson (HB 397) and Guttenberg and Nelson (HB 403).

Make sure to thank Guttenberg, Kawasaki, and Nelson for supporting our students with this much needed legislation (use personal email, of course).

And, please do what you can to support our students in their initiatives to secure needs and merit based scholarships!

Contact legislators (via phone calls, letters, and/or personal email) to urge positive action on this postsecondary scholarship grant program. And, spread the word around the state. Encourage friends and family to support our current and future students, which, of course, enhances Alaska's future!

Full versions of the proposed bills are available from the links below.

HB 397

HB 403